Quick and Easy Protein Chickpea ‘Tuna’ Salad Sandwich

For the Chickpea ‘tuna’ salad
1 can of chickpeas
Juice from ½ a lemon and some zest
20g of vegan mayo
20g chopped celery
20g chopped red onion
½ tsp garlic powder
Salt, pepper and cayenne to taste

To serve
6 slices of Profusion Protein Bread
Lettuce leaves
Pickles (optional)
Handful of tomatoes

1. Start by draining and rinsing the chickpeas, then mash up ¾ of the chickpeas in a medium bowl.
2. Proceed to add the rest of the ingredients into the bowl and mix well, add any additional ingredients as you will.
3. To serve, place the mixture onto the Profusion Protein Bread, adding lettuce and pickles at your desire.
4. Finally, you are ready to enjoy! And any leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-6 days.

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